Get Him to the Greek Theory

A lot of people have seen the movie Get Him to the Greek. But what no one knows is that Aaron is in a diabetic coma. He’s living in his dream world now. He has a job at a record company due to his lifelong love of music. Music was his way of escaping when he was bullied all throughout his life. He has a long term girlfriend, something he always dreamed of having but could never get. Sergio represents a father figure. He’s strict but gives Aaron his big chance and guides him along the way. This makes up for the fact that Aarons father left him and his mother when he was 6. Aldous represents all of his favorite musicians put into one person. Aldous also represents self-destructive because Aaron became that way when he moved out of his mother’s house. Aldous’ father isn’t there for him either because Aaron couldn’t imagine having a dad, so he couldn’t imagine anyone else having one. Destiny represents his suppressed sexuality. He does everything he dreams of doing while in his coma. He meets and develops a friendship with a famous rock star, hooks up with girls, goes to Las Vegas, and accomplishes something big. This also explains why Sergio’s floating head is at the end of the movie. None of it was real, so anything could appear at any time.